Saturday, December 17, 2011


Back in high school I had absolutely no desire to go to college.

I even made a mental "Why Stacie doesn't need to go to college" list...
1. I don't want to learn anymore... algebra did me in, I can't fit anything else in my brain, the Pythagorean Theorem is taking up A LOT of space.
2. I have to leave my mom? Nope. Not gonna. You can't make me. She's too cool.
3. I just want to be a wife. Give me a man, I'll marry him. We'll live happily ever after...with no children. (At 17 my mind had made a cemented decision after a bad round of babysitting, that I didn't want children. My mom mourned my decision and told me I would change my mind later in life. I rolled my eyes at her. And 5 years later... I want children).
4. I don't want to learn any more. I just want to frollick.

I went to college because my mom researched universities for me and forced me to fill out every college application before I could go hang out with my friends. And I've always been an obedient perfect child, so I did. Obedient and perfect... the 'rents lucked out so much.

And somehow, here I am, 5 years later, almost graduated from college, loving it so much I have a list of daunting grad school possibilities sitting in front of me. When did I get like this? Wanting to learn all the time. Grieving the times I took my education for granted. How many hours did I waste on Myspace and Facebook when I could have been reading good books and discovering what I was passionate about?

So here I sit... not sure where to start. Research. Apply. Be super radtacular in interviews.

I'm a girl with a capacity to grow and learn. Wanting to take the next step in pursuing an education because I, Stacie, want to, not because my parents want me to.

I am learned. And learning. And pretty soon, soceity will call me a "grown up"... and then I get to figure out that I really know nothing at all.....

... and for the first time, I'm excited.