Vanilla Italian Cream Soda, to be specific.
If you've had it, you know the best part about it really isn't the taste. It's the way the cream and the bubbly don't mix. For some chemistr-uh-nomical reason, the cream and the bubbly stay separate. Cream floats to the top. Bubbly lingers at the bottom. Simply fascinating.
I'm a curious person, therefore I decided to eavesdrop on the making of my drink to see what exactly I had fallen in love with.
Its a simple beautiful combination: club soda, vanilla syrup, and half & half.
Who knew?
With something this simple, I knew I had to try making it myself.
I don't find myself in the kitchen itching to bake treats or cook up what might be equivalent to a Thanksgiving meal...ever. I feel like a cat in water when I'm in the kitchen. I've been told i'm pretty pathetic for that, which might be true. Bring on the Ramen. (though if YOU like to cook up fun things, I'd love to help you eat that yummy funness.)
So I tried. Something wasn't right. I even poured it all in, in the same order my barista does; yet, for some reason it just didn't taste right. Sigh. Life Application: What do I learn from this? I learn to appreciate the magic touch my barista has with italian soda. And any time I have a dinner party, I'll remember to keep it simple and only serve tea and ready-made soda. 
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