Am I the only one who sometimes wonders if I need to be more aware of my breath? Am I assuming I have better breath than I do?
We so easily know when someone else has bad breathe. Are we suppose to say something to those people like we would if they had food in their teeth?
I'm talking bad breath. Really bad breath. It's the kind of breath that gives us nightmares at night or makes us wish we hadn't removed all the boogers from our noses earlier that day.
I wish we could have an alarm on our back molar that goes off when our breath has turned sour. Can someone please invent that... a Molarm? (ya, that's molar and alarm combined).
Thank goodness for tic-tacs. They aren't long lasting- but they do the trick. After every meal for the past week I've made it a point to tic the tac. If I've had coffee I take an extra two or three doses.
Tic-tacs. Not too expensive right? So share them.
Tic the tacky breath. Love your neighbor as yourself and tic-tac it together.
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