Its phenomenal to me that my perspective of how big the world is changes so much in a small coffee shop.
I don't usually walk out of a coffee shop not having talked to a stranger. I can't waste a whole cup of yummy on only a good book or study session- when i walk in the coffee shop I look around at all the people and see adventures waiting to be shared. People love to share their adventures too. I try to make it a point to hear their adventures- the good, bad, sad, happy, weird, drunk, silly, immature, crazy, or what have you....
Over the past two weeks I've lived at Starbux thanks to a gracious gift card.
Day one. I forgot my headphones and the man across from me was on the phone the whole time. Unintentional adventure hearing isn't my cup of tea. Some call it eavesdropping, but i honestly couldn't help overhearing. He was begging the bank for more money to pay his bills. Begging. distraught. covering his head with his hands. I left very sad for him. Sad to peer into the soul of someone suffering from the low economy.
Day two. Nancy. Sometimes we are called to share our adventures instead of listening to others'. Nancy, an older woman, couldn't stop askingg questions and it was one of those day I couldn't think of any questions to ask. The fact that Nancy wanted to hear my adventures makes me smile. I wonder if that's how other people feel when I ask them to share their stories with me?
Day three. Matt. All I had to do was watch Matt to see that he wants to hear other people's adventures too. He is much more bold than I am though. He is the kind of person I aspire to be- he offers a handshake. I've always wanted to offer handshakes- i'm not a touchy person, but long to be for those who need to be touched. i think a handshake initiates a kindness that can't be communicated with words. My new goal- handshakes with strangers.
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