Wednesday, July 27, 2011

She put the best in friend.

I love having best friends in different places. I love that this life permits me to have more than one best friend, and, even if it didn't, I'd probably try to break the rules with at least 3 or 4. From first grade to highschool to summer jobs to college, I've found some faithful, kind, and loving best and dear friends. They rejoice with me. Cry with me. Laugh with me. Challenge me. Pray for me...I love them because they give and love even when I can't.

Meet Amber. She's been my long-time best friend. She really is the best. Getting together with her always reminds me of how far we have come. We've known each other since first grade, which means our friendship has survived some very precious and terrifying years. We experienced extreme feelings of ecstasy, jealousy, nuttiness, happiness, and hurt in junior high. AND braces and vicious acne. We went through those exact same things in high school, but found that each feeling came quite a bit deeper the older we became. Together we came to terms with who we were. We've watched each other discover God, individual passions, and the beauty of life itself. And today, we have survived almost four years of being best friends half way across the country.Though we don't see each other much, each time we get together I am reminded of how precious and sacred our long-lasting friendship is.

But a friendship is always growing isn't it? That might be one of the most frustrating and beautiful aspects of friendship. Amber and I are still learning how to be honest and vulnerable with each other. When we were little, I was jealous of the big bows her mom decorated her hair with and I thought she was one of the prettiest little girls I had ever seen. I was jealous of her when the guy I liked in middle school had feelings for her. And now I'm jealous of anyone who gets to spend time with her on a daily basis, because she's wonderful to spend time with.

Like a lot of girls our age, we get together to talk about what's important. And then we get down to what's really important... men. We rant, we confess, we scowl, we laugh, we obsess, we question, and we pray about the males who have made their way into our lives. We've gone from being obsessively giddy and overly romantic, to liking the same guy and hating each other, to seeking pure and Godly relationships, to talking about the ins-and-outs of relationships and how incredibly more complicated they are than we ever anticipated, to wondering whether or not testosterone fits into our future at all. I hope your thoughts on relationships have progressed as ours have, one way or another.

As I've been writing I've been thinking that this particular best friend really doesn't get as much thanks as she deserves. For putting up with a lot through the years. For always being willing to go on an adventure with me. Or be hurt by me. She's meeting me at Starbucks in a few minutes to waterpaint and drink tea. I think I'll thank her. Have you thanked someone who's a "best" in your life? Maybe you should thank them too. And then waterpaint and drink tea with them.

1 comment:

  1. great thoughts stacie....just today me and my two best pals laughed until our sides ached and we all decided we need naps to recover...and we did tell each other how important our relationships together are....what a great idea God had when he crossed our paths. One i have been friends with for 32 years and the other for about 15.... enjoyed your thoughts
    and the picture (nice wand)
